
A sticky, resinous substance, Propolis is collected by honeybees from different plants and is brought to their hives. Bees protect the hive from

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Cinnamon, is a plant that grows in Ceylon (now known as the name of Sri Lanka). The route of Ceylon cinnamon is from Alexandria, Egyptian ports

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Ginger has been used as a medicine and spice by Assyrians, Chinese and Indians since 3000 BC.

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Red Ginseng

Other Names: Alpinia officinarum, Alpinia. Botanical information: It refers to the herbaceous plant with beautiful flowers, fragrant, perennial

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Ginkgo Biloba

Lupin: (Lupine/Lupin/Lupine) 10 – 100 cm height, often hairy, one-year plants. The leaves are hand-shaped piece, long-stemmed, 5 – 9

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History of Honey: Honey has a very important place in history of humanity with its perfect appearance, unique natural flavor and nutritious content

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Bee Pollen contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals, protein… so many essential components with the highest percentage and quality. Herbal

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Bitter Gourd

The bitter gourd can be consumed by mixing it with honey if sweetening is desired. This is a full amount of fruit with honey and crushed

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Carob (locust bean) is usually known as “St. Johns Bread”. In German, it is “johannisbrot”. in both languages

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Juniper: (Wacholder/Geniévre/Juniper) One of the evergreen trees. Its leaves are needle-shaped small flaky and 1 – 2 cm

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